We’ve got an obsessive commitment to home-grown and local produce: simple food done well.

It all starts in the Kitchen Garden...
The beating heart of the operation
It’s thanks to Ollie and his ever-growing team that our Kitchen Gardens are as gloriously abundant as they are. When you stay with us, you’ll see Chefs among the veg beds, having a chat with the Kitchen Gardeners, taking back some produce for that day’s lunch or dinner service. It’s how every PIG operates.
Our greenhouses are where we often experiment with plants you'd never expect to stumble across! But it's not all veg patches and fruitages in THE PIG Kitchen Gardens... our polytunnels are our secret weapon! Our Kitchen Gardeners use them to protect our plants from the elements, and to support their growth all year-round.
As well as this, we have a unique mix of four-legged, feathered friends and buzzy friends across the litter.
Working hand-in-hand
At each PIG, our Chefs and Kitchen Gardeners will have a planning meeting about what to grow that year, what the kitchen wants more of and what new varieties to try. Even the bar staff get in on the act, with their own beds to grow aromatics for their infusions and cocktail menus.
We’re big fans of the old arts – curing, clamping, smoking and pickling, not to mention championing a thorough nose-to-tail approach to cooking. These traditional methods, practised for centuries, aren’t just tasty dishes on the menu, they’re a low-tech way of getting the most out of our produce throughout the year.
Supplier Shout Out
Over the years we have been lucky to support some of the very best local suppliers to each of THE PIG hotels. What we can’t grow ourselves, we source from within a 25-mile radius – creating our 25 mile menu. We love who we work with and carefully select them so we can be 100% honest on the provenance of our ingredients and be sure that what we are dishing up is the very best around.
Meet our suppliers
Here's just a handful of the hundreds of suppliers we work with across THE PIGs...