Action Against Hunger Live Cook-along with James Golding

Action Against Hunger is leading the global fight against hunger, they work to save children’s lives and help communities to become free from hunger. They enable people to provide for themselves, see their children grow up strong, and build a brighter future. Action Against Hunger’s campaign Love Food Give Food brings people together to help the world’s poorest communities access the food they need to survive and thrive. This year with the COVID-19 pandemic hitting the world hard, global hunger is set to double because of coronavirus.

For over 20 years Action Against Hunger has worked closely with UK restaurants to turn peoples love for food into action and they have raised over £11 million for life saving treatment. We have supported the work that Action Against Hunger has been doing since our very early days at THE PIG – with donations from our live music events, Smoked & Uncut festivals, Love Food Give Food donations and auction prizes and most recently with a donation from every overnight booking. Now more than ever these charities need our support, so whilst we have benefited from the reduction in VAT we will be using part of our VAT saving to make a £5 contribution per booking to be split between Action Against Hunger, and our other chosen charity Hospitality Action.  We hope to raise in the order of £100,000 before the end of the year.

This year Action Against Hunger aim to make the Love Food Give Food campaign bigger than ever before to celebrate World Food Day on October 16 and the joy that good food brings. World Food Day promotes worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and promotes change for a sustainable future.

This year the Love Food Give Food campaign is working with all their partners to help raise awareness for Action Against Hunger and World Food Day with a series of live Cook-along events. On the day itself, Friday 16th October at 11 am, our Group Chef Director James will be taking part in a live Cookalong on THE PIG’s Instagram to help celebrate World Food Day. To further support the campaign, we are donating a £1 from every James Golding’s Smoked Salmon dish sold over September and October across THE PIGs.

Cook-along with James – 11am on Friday 16th October @the_pig_hotels

Whole pan roasted plaice with brown butter, lemon, Caper and Garden parcel and kale.


  • 1x whole Plaice
  • 250g x butter
  • 2x lemons
  • 2x tbsp Capers
  • 1x bunch Parcel
  • 1x bunch kale
  • Flour
  • Salt & pepper
  1. Season and lightly flour the plaice, seal in a hot pan and place in a preheated oven at 186°C For eight minutes and leave to rest.
  2. In a heavy bottom pan place half of the butter and cook on a medium heat when the butter has started Foaming and the base of the butter starts to look brown add in half the juice of one lemon the capers the chopped Parcell and some pepper
  3. Put a pan of boiling water on and Blanche the kale for 20 seconds and refresh in cold water squeeze the XS water out and reheat, butter and season.
  4. Place the kale in the middle of the plate and put the place on top and cover the fish in the Brown butter sauce and serve

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