Garden Herb Oil

We wanted to make sure our guests still got a sense of the garden even when enjoying their breakfast or lunch, which is why our restaurants are often in greenhouse-style rooms. We also have fresh herbs on the tables, and our own herb-infused oil. It’s perfect for dipping freshly baked bread in, and it goes really well with our home-smoked salt. Just remember it’s important to heat the oil to kill off any bugs that might be in the garlic or herbs. It prevents the herbs going mouldy too. You can use the same method for making lemon or chilli oil.

Garden Herb Oil 

Makes 2 litres

  • 1 litre (1¾ pints) olive oil
  • 1 litre (1¾ pints) rapeseed oil
  • 10 sprigs of rosemary
  • 10 sprigs of savory (thyme also works if you can’t get savory)
  • 1 garlic bulb, cloves crushed and separated


Put all the ingredients in a pan, warm to around about 85°C (185°F) on a food thermometer.

The general rule here is that you want the oil hot but not boiling, because if it boils you will overcook the herbs and they will end up looking brown and horrible.

Leave the oil to cool at room temperature, then pour into sterilised bottles.

For more recipes, how-tos and tips why not pick up a copy of THE PIG Book: Tales and Recipes from the Kitchen Garden and Beyond.

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